Union of https://hl7chile.cl/fhir/ig/clcore/CodeSystem/CSCodRegionCL and https://hl7chile.cl/fhir/ig/clcore/CodeSystem/CSCodRegionCL

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in Códigos de Regiones en Chile (https://hl7chile.cl/fhir/ig/clcore/CodeSystem/CSCodRegionCL) and Códigos de Regiones en Chile (https://hl7chile.cl/fhir/ig/clcore/CodeSystem/CSCodRegionCL). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem b7954ea0-1ff7-4310-b6f0-5b146c315cc0-14

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/b7954ea0-1ff7-4310-b6f0-5b146c315cc0-14 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

15 Arica y Parinacota
01 Tarapacá
02 Antofagasta
03 Atacama
04 Coquimbo
05 Valparaíso
13 Metropolitana de Santiago
06 Del Libertador Gral. Bernardo O'Higgins
07 Del Maule
08 Del Biobío
09 De la Araucanía
14 De los Ríos
10 De los Lagos
11 Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
12 Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena
16 Ñuble