This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in Códigos de Provincias en Chile ( and Códigos de Provincias en Chile ( E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them
This code system
defines codes, but no codes are represented here
Code | Display |
122 | Antártica Chilena |
021 | Antofagasta |
082 | Arauco |
151 | Arica |
112 | Aysén |
083 | Biobío |
061 | Cachapoal |
113 | Capitán Prat |
062 | Cardenal Caro |
072 | Cauquenes |
091 | Cautín |
133 | Chacabuco |
032 | Chañaral |
102 | Chiloé |
042 | Choapa |
111 | Coihaique |
063 | Colchagua |
081 | Concepción |
031 | Copiapó |
132 | Cordillera |
073 | Curicó |
161 | Diguillín |
022 | El Loa |
041 | Elqui |
114 | General Carrera |
033 | Huasco |
011 | Iquique |
052 | Isla de Pascua |
162 | Itata |
043 | Limarí |
074 | Linares |
101 | Llanquihue |
053 | Los Andes |
121 | Magallanes |
134 | Maipo |
092 | Malleco |
058 | Marga Marga |
135 | Melipilla |
103 | Osorno |
104 | Palena |
152 | Parinacota |
054 | Petorca |
163 | Punilla |
055 | Quillota |
142 | Ranco |
056 | San Antonio |
057 | San Felipe de Aconcagua |
131 | Santiago |
136 | Talagante |
071 | Talca |
014 | Tamarugal |
123 | Tierra del Fuego |
023 | Tocopilla |
124 | última Esperanza |
141 | Valdivia |
051 | Valparaíso |